Whether it is the lockdown, at home, travel, workplace or any other situation, following even some of these tips will help you to achieve weight loss, maintain fitness, stay healthy at home, burn the fat and keep away the fat from accumulating. Every little help.
- Drink 3-5 Liters of water/day as appropriate – It is the best detox for the body. Our organs like lungs, liver, kidney are naturally endowed naturally to cleanse the body. We just need to keep our body well hydrated and keep good circulation, so that toxins reach these organs easily and get cleansed. In addition, water helps to keep our hunger at low levels. You may use, lime water, thin buttermilk, fruit infusion water.
- Consume at least 3-5 portions of raw fruits per day. They are loaded with many vitamins, fiber, and detoxifying agents. In addition, fruits are low in calories despite the sugar content. They are good even for diabetics. Avoid canned fruits or fruit juices as they may have high sugar content.
- Consume 3-4 portions of vegetables (raw, when possible) per day. They are extremely low in calories. They are good sources of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Tomato, onion, carrot, cucumber are good examples. Vegetables that can’t be eaten raw, like beans, can be steamed. Avoid potato, sweet potato and yam. They are not considered vegetables from diet point of view.
- Opt for good quality carbohydrates such as whole grains like whole-wheat rotis, brown rice, multigrain chapatis, whole wheat pasta, potato, yam, etc. They have starch and complex carbohydrates with low glycemic index. Our body takes time to break it down to glucose. Enriching with soya flour will improve nutritional value
- When travelling carry fruits in boxes, roasted chana, and fruit infused bottles along with you, so that you have an option of healthy food when hungry. Otherwise, when hungry, our brain stops working and we resort to whatever junk is easily available.
- When dining out use fruit salad, vegetable salad, sprout chat, salty lime water to fill some part of your stomach. Portion control helps when it comes to junk.
- Use fresh spices and raw clean herbs on regular basis. Include healthy and freshly prepared homemade green chutney or dry spices and herbs as they help in detox process. They also help to make other recipes more tasty.
- Use sprouts regularly. They are full of healthy vitamins, soluble fibre and easy to digest proteins.
- Include Good proteins source. Sprouts, daals, white of egg, soya chunks, chicken, fish are good sources of proteins
- Use homemade yoghurt regularly. In addition to being a good source of calcium and vitamin D, especially for vegetarians, they have friendly bacteria with probiotic properties.
- Learn new cooking methods. Methods like grilling, steaming, broiling need little or no oil. You can turn your favorite food into a weight losing food. Try using nonstick vessels for cutting down oil.
- Practice mindful eating. While eating, switch off your phone and T.V and concentrate on your food. This way, you get more pleasure from the same amount of food.
- In your daily rituals, include regular simple exercise. It should not be optional. Regular simple physical activity like walking, cycling, swimming can go a long way to lose weight and keep body fit it can be. There are many easy to do exercises even at home, work place or when travelling. It gives you extra energy for those important things in your life like career and family.
- Practice your own stress-busting methods. Regularly invest time in meditation, yoga, or similar activity that helps settle your mind. People are likely to eat more when under stress or depression.
We will be writing in details about most of the above topics, one by one in coming times. Keep your eyes on this blog.
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