Slimming generally involves getting rid of extra fat, without losing muscles and bones. The term is generally used in the context of localized fat loss and cellulite treatment as opposed to gross weight loss. People use different methods to define slimming, e.g. weight, BMI [body mass index], total fat calculation, callipers, visceral fat, girth, ultrasound, clothes size.

Medicines – There are hardly any safe medicines with long-term effect.

Lifestyle modification – Typically this involves diet modifications, physical activities and dealing with issues like eating habits, sleep, stress, etc.

Non – invasive methods – they include ultrasound lipolysis, radio frequency [RF], cryo – lipolysis, LASER

Invasive methods – Liposuction, LASER, and tummy tuck surgery, other varieties of plastic surgeries, bariatric surgery.

The most natural method for long term results is by lifestyle modification. But it may take months or more than a year sometimes, to get desired results at the area one wants.

For faster results, non-invasive methods like ultrasound lipolysis may be tried. Some lifestyle modification is necessary.

For faster and long term results, the ideal combination of ultrasound lipolysis and lifestyle modification will help.

If one is grossly overweight, say body mass index (BMI) crossing 40 and has medical problems, then surgery is a better option.

Also, for very large, disfigured overhanging skin, some people try plastic surgery.

Note – Surgery comes with its own share of side effects, which are typically higher in overweight people.

For that, we need to understand what lies in the tummy. Our tummy has 3 layers of fat- superficial, intraperitoneal (inside the abdomen) and retroperitoneal (behind the abdomen, near the kidneys).

The inside of the tummy has different organs. The abdominal muscles help to hold them back.

The spine and its curvature can affect the way the tummy looks like.

So, to get a slim looking tummy, we need to pay attention to

The superficial layer of fat – Ultrasound lipolysis and lifestyle modification can help here. Radiofrequency (RF) work better on saggy loose skin.

Muscles – Specific core exercises, to strengthen the abdominal muscles will help to keep tummy flat.

Visceral fat – Only lifestyle modification works here. So paying attention to gross weight loss by paying attention to diet, activity and eating habits, stress, etc. will help

Spine curvature – Again good core exercises will help to keep the spine in the natural ‘S’ form.

Ultrasound lipolysis is a method of localized fat loss. It means it removes the fat from the area where it is used. Typically it is used to mobilize stubborn fat. IT IS NOT A METHOD OF GROSS WEIGHT LOSS.

It is a nonsurgical procedure without anaesthesia. It is non-invasive. There no cutting, it leaves no scars and there is no need for any post-operative recovery time. No downtime should be experienced after the treatment. Older machines 10-15 years ago used to give slight redness of skin similar to what we used to get from hot water bag, but since the time we have been using sophisticated modern machines, we haven’t come across any side effects. We use advanced infrared thermometer technology, making the treatment safer.

EMS machine will work on your tummy even when you are resting, and still burn your fat. Sounds too hard to believe? Let me explain

This modern EMS machine will make your abdominal muscle work, as you are lying on the bed. This will burn your fat. You will feel the muscles contract. The machine makes the muscle work (contract) by sending very tiny electrical impulses that travel on the surface of your tummy only.

If used in proper setting, it is unlikely to give any side effects.

Higher or inappropriate settings, can cause stronger muscle contractions and give bruises, similar to when we do extreme hardcore exercises.

Also, cardiac patients using electrical machines like a pacemaker or defrillator shouldn’t use it.

Our program includes advice on lifestyle modification with changes in eating habits. This helps people in maintaining the effects last longer.

Then you need our weight loss program or diabetes stabilization program. It can be supplemented with localized slimming. But, the first priority is stabilizing the medical condition. So, if you are in the early stages of these diseases, this is the best time to stabilize the condition.

My parents and my family are all overweight. I think it is all genetics.

The genetics haven’t changed much recently, but our habits have. So, the epidemic of the obesity we see now is because of something more than just genetics. One doesn’t have to be fat just because the parents are fat. Usually, genetics is an excuse we like to nurture, so that we don’t have to do anything else ourselves.

You start seeing results in 1-3 weeks depending upon the methods used. It takes 3-6 months to get significant results.

As of today, there is no permanent method of slimming that we are aware of. The reason is simple. The numbers of fat cells in a grownup are more or less fixed, only the size of each cell changes. Even by surgery, you can’t remove all the fat cells. Whatever cells are left behind, can practically achieve any size. But, because of our customized approach, most people don’t find it difficult to maintain weight loss longterm. Also, the feeling of slimming itself is so rewarding that, most people find it easy to maintain the results.

We don’t give you any tablets, medicines, potions, injections. For those people, who find it difficult to lose weight, there are certain FDA approved tablets that may help them initially, but they are optional and not necessary. Most of our clients don’t need them. They don’t give long term effects. You continue your regular medicines for diabetes, blood pressure that you are already on in the initial stages. Owing to the general weight loss that happens during the program, many people can get rid of most if not all the tablets. We have many such cases that are now totally off any diabetic tablet.

There are a few specific medical reasons for weight gain. We rule them out at the beginning of the program. The program can be started either way, since, whatever the problem, a healthy lifestyle is a common denominator.

In the first consultation at our DOL CLINIC, you will be explained in detail, the different options available, the one that is most appropriate to you and the procedure of losing weight. We do a complete body fat analysis in the first consultation that is totally FREE of any charge.