Vinay Kulkarni
  • Before starting my journey with DOL Clinic my fasting sugars were 151 mg and postprandial were 347 mg and HbA1c was 7.1 %. I lost 11kgs in 6 months with has successfully reversed my diabetes.
  • My fasting sugars came down to 64 mg and postprandial to 124 mg and HbA1c was lowered to 5.1%. “I would urge anybody who is diagnosed with this life condition, don’t panic.
  • Think over it rationally rather than emotionally. Make small changes, make gradual changes. Make the changes that can be sustained over a period of time and make those changes part of your life which you enjoy rather than doing it for the sake of disease or targeting the sugar or anything, there is a lot of wisdom going into it, and most important do have a control over what you eat.
  • Think over what you are eating, think whether it is necessary, and think after eating.  The key rule is after eating do you feel energetic or you feel sluggish?
  • These are the things that will differentiate.  you will know because there will be I don’t know if somebody who is not a voracious reader on WhatsApp alone everybody has got few hundred messages on what to eat and what not to eat and what works for me may not work for that person,
  •  so you have to decide what works for you and what doesn’t work for you. Eat only those things which give you energy and a high level of energy at the end. Be happy. Thanks