Importance of healthy balanced diet
What is a balanced diet? A diet which has all the necessary components of food such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, fibre, and another element in right proportion is called as a balanced diet.
Why is it important to have balanced diet?
Well our body requires constant supply of nutrients in order to function efficiently and be fit and healthy. And this is achieved via intake of healthy balanced diet.
Having right amount of nutrition will help you attain both good physical and mental well-being.
Without adequate nutrition or balanced diet your body will not be able to fight infections, diseases. And looking at the current situation it has become very much important and necessary that we consume proper healthy balanced diet.
Balanced diet also plays a very important role for someone who is looking for the stabilization of lifestyle health problems such as diabetes, obesity, PCOD, hypertension etc.
Having a balanced meal definitely does not mean that you need to restrict any food item; you can still continue having it but will have to look after the portion size.
Limit intake of outside food or junk food as they are not going to do any good. These foods are loaded with unhealthy nutrients and are not going to benefit you.
Try and cut down your fat and oil intake. Good fats are still good but the Trans-fat are something that you will regret later after having it.
Last but not the least; you will have to look after your eating habits and exercise. Unhealthy eating habits will adversely affect your immune system and will make you more prone to lifestyle health problems and diseases. Hence you need to start incorporating healthy eating habits. Being physically active on the hand will not only help you to be physically fit, but it also acts as stress booster and will help to improve your mental health and well-being.
So the bottom line is, in addition to improving your immunity causing weight loss, looking slim and trim, feeling energetic, and getting fit, a balanced diet also helps in improving your skin, bones, heart condition, improves your sleep, reducing stress, anxiety and depression directly or indirectly.