detox water good for health
We keep hearing and reading about different Detox waters everywhere. Does it help and if it does, then how?
When it comes to weight loss the issue of water becomes very important.
The most important component of any Detox water is water. The reason being, our body is equipped with all the necessary mechanism for detoxification. Our organs like kidney, liver, lungs, skin, intestine and heart are working 24 hours for detoxifying and purifying the blood. But more than 70% of blood being water only, keeping ourselves well hydrated goes a long way, to help blood carry different toxins and nutrients to these organs, thereby helping in detoxification. This creates a good platform for weight loss.
In addition, drinking water regularly keeps our craving for food down. Sometimes thirst is confused as hunger. So, when you’re in doubt, take a few sips of water first.
So, we are clear that drinking good amount of water say 3-4 litres per day is a good idea. But those who have tried it, they know that, it’s not an easy task. Either we don’t enjoy it or we forget about it. So here are some ways that we find useful with our clients.
We can contain a good amount of water intake by enriching plain water with some elements that not only makes it a pleasant experience, but also may help this process of detoxification further. Some easy to do examples are given below-
- Buttermilk – Homemade curd is loaded with probiotic elements. It will enhance the number of probiotic bacteria in our body. They will fight the pathological bacteria decreasing the amount of toxins produced in the gut.
- Fruit infusion water- Many ready-made bottles are easily available. Basically you put a few chopped pieces of fruits that you like and add water to it. This not only will give you some good vitamins and minerals from the fruits but also will enhance the color, smells and taste of the water thereby making it more attractive. You can even add things like cucumber, tomato or lemon to it
3- Spiced up Detox water- Adding our traditional spices like cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, elaichi, and pepper in small amounts can enhance the flavor of water further. In addition they have got meaning useful detoxifying elements in the form of volatile oils. For this purpose freshly ground spices are more useful. (Please visit our Instagram, website or call us for such recipes)
A few useful tips-
- Buy Attractive coloured fruit infusion bottles, plastic or glass containers and thermos for water.
- Keep water in easily accessible areas like dining table, television, car, office table, computer, etc.
- Involve your children in the process of making these attractive drinks. This can be an exciting event for them. It will be start of a good habit which may stay life-long with them.
- The best time to start is NOW
(Please visit our Instagram, website or call us for such recipes)