When we are looking for weight loss, we are confused between the different methods of weighing and figures like weight, BMI, total fat, abdominal/visceral fat, etc. This blog explains the difference between these terms and their implication for diabetes, obesity, PCOD, heart disease and other lifestyle diseases.
Weight – It’s the gross weight of the body and will vary from person to person according to height and many other components like bones, fat, muscles, water etc. So just calculating plain weight really helps to get an idea about the extra weight that needs to be lost.
What is BMI (Body Mass Index)?
It is a measurement of the person’s weight with respect to his/her height.[Weight in Kg/ (Height in metres) square] This way we can tell whether the weight is right for the particular height. According to WHO guidelines, the Upper limit of BMI for South Asians (Indians) should be 23.
But again it is a crude measure because it takes into account the weight of everything that is in the body and not just the fat, which is the main culprit.
It is the amount of excess fat that is the root cause of many health issues. BMI (body mass index) is still the most popular measurement across the world because it is easy to calculate without any special machines. It just needs height and weight.
BMI Below 18.50- Underweight
BMI 18.50 – 22.9- Healthy Weight
BMI 23- 28.9- Overweight
BMI 29 and Above- Obese
*(WHO guidelines of BMI for South Asians (Indians))
What is fat analysis/BCA (body composition analysis?
Fat analysis or body composition analysis gives an idea about the percentage and total amount of fat in the body. This is a useful indicator because it tells exactly how much fat is in excess for that particular person.
It is actually the extra amount of fat and not the muscle or bone that is the precursor of many illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc.
Total Fat Percentage* –
Essential Fat- 10-13% (women) and 2-5% (Men)
Atheltes- 14-20% (women) and 6-13% (Men)
Fitness- 21-24% (Women) and 14-17% (Men)
*(American Society of bodybuilding guidance table)
What is abdominal and visceral fat?
Again, amongst the fat in the body, it is the fat in the tummy (abdominal/visceral fat) that is more associated with diabetes, heart and other illnesses. Visceral fat percentage- 9-12%
Hence, it is necessary to know what percentage of fat is in the tummy.
Specialised machines can give an idea about the abdominal/visceral fat.
Almost all commercial machines that calculate fat by taking into consideration impedance to electricity.
How does fat calculation help in diabetes /PCOD?
Depending upon the total amount of fat and its distribution in different parts of the body, especially the abdominal/visceral, different strategies like natural methods or modern slimming methods can be tried.
Research has shown that usually 10% reduction in your weight (focused mainly on abdominal fat), helps a lot in different health matters including diabetes, heart disease and cholesterol.
Different natural methods including natural detox, natural diet, balanced nutrition, appropriate physical activities and therapies for long-term change in habits (CBT- cognitive and behavioural therapy) has helped many people in stabilizing diseases like diabetes and PCOD
What should I do next?
Our professional team at DOL clinic can help you to calculate your total and abdominal visceral fat and guide you in the appropriate customized methods targeted towards the pockets of fats.
Contact- 7506420648