Body Mass Index
Obesity or being overweight because of extra fat, puts one at a high risk of getting most lifestyle diseases including Diabetes, High blood pressure, Heart disease, High Cholesterol and cancer.

Calculate Your BMI
- BMI Below 18.50
- Underweight
- BMI 18.50 – 22.9
- Healthy Weight
- BMI <23- 28.9
- Overweight
- BMI 29 and above
- Obese
BMI – Body Mass Index
It is a measurement which helps us to give an idea about the person’s weight with respect to his or her height. According to WHO guidelines, the Upper limit of BMI for South Asians (Indians) should be 23. But again it is a crude measure. It is the amount of excess fat that is the root cause of many health issues. Calculating the total amount of fat and its distribution (visceral, abdominal) in the body is more useful. We are happy to help you with the same at DOL Clinic.