08 Dec

Lifestyle diseases like blood pressure, diabetes, heart diseases are happening in epidemic proportion and the real solution lies in change of lifestyle that includes change in dietetics, physical activity pattern and healthy habits. What are Lifestyle diseases? They include problems like obesity, blood pressure, diabetes, heart diseases, stroke, high cholesterol, stress, anxiety, depression, acidity and…

08 Dec

It is also known as early diabetes or borderline Diabetes. At this stage, complications haven’t yet started and there is still good amount of insulin in the body. This is the best time to reverse diabetes and avoid complications if proper attention is given to diet, activity, habits and lifestyle. What is Prediabetes? Prediabetes is…

16 Jun

Mental stress has become the default mode of our urbanized lifestyle. It is the cause of most health problems. The answer lies in embracing healthy habits about food, physical activity, and the mindset. Mental stress is commonplace. It could arise from problems at work, family, career, or health. THE BEST TIME TO DO ANYTHING IS…

26 Nov

Weight Loss and The Psychology of the Individual As our good old Jeeves would say, "One must study the psychology of the individual, to solve a problem". Nothing could be farther from the truth, when it comes to finding a solution to weight loss, fat loss, and lifestyle diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease, [...]

Importance of Balanced Diet
26 Oct

Importance of healthy balanced diet What is a balanced diet? A diet which has all the necessary components of food such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, fibre, and another element in right proportion is called as a balanced diet. Why is it important to have balanced diet? Well our body requires constant supply of [...]

we all know that building a good immunity will definitely help to combat the infection. We are clear on this point. But, how to do this?
21 Oct

In the current scenario of the COVID pandemic, we all know that building a good immunity will definitely help to combat the infection. We are clear on this point. But, how to do this? Many of us end up in spending money on things that are more expensive and have doubtful or little use. But…

15 Oct

Whether it is the lockdown, at home, travel, workplace or any other situation, following even some of these tips will help you to achieve weight loss, maintain fitness, stay healthy at home, burn the fat and keep away the fat from accumulating. Every little help. Do’s:  Drink 3-5 Liters of water/day as appropriate – It is the…

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