Here we discuss the myths and facts that surround the topics of diabetes reversal and scientifically proven natural methods
Given the pandemic of type 2 diabetes in India, we should all be clear about certain scientific facts about it. By far, type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is the commonest type of diabetes anywhere in the world, and henceforth will mean so in this article.
Did you know this?
FACT 1 – There is enough insulin in the body in the first 10 years of diabetes (Pre-diabetes)
THIS IS THE BIGGEST SECRET UNKNOWN TO MOST! One would logically assume that if blood glucose/sugar level starts rising, probably we don’t have enough insulin left in the body. That’s what the insulin is supposed to do; bring the glucose/sugar down, isn’t it!!. But the fact is to the contrary. The biggest thing most people don’t know is that, in the early stage of diabetes, probably 10 years or more, there is more than the necessary amount of insulin in the body, When someone gets diabetes, for some reasons that are only partly understood, the same insulin that used to work alright so far, stops working efficiently. So, what it means is that this person has a good amount of normal insulin in the blood, but somehow it is just ineffective. This is known as insulin resistance. So, in order to get the work of glucose/sugar control done, the body keeps on producing more and more insulin. Based on the current research available, this stage of pre-diabetes/ early diabetes may continue for more than 10 years. But, then a time comes when our body cannot produce insulin anymore. We may say that the body has exhausted its insulin stores permanently. At this stage, the person probably needs insulin from an outside source.
FACT 2 – The blocked entry of glucose into the cell is the real issue
We all know that in diabetes, the glucose/sugar level is high in the blood. But what many of us don’t know is that its final destination is inside the billions of cells we have. That is where it gets burnt chemically and energy is produced. Interestingly, the glucose from the blood cannot just enter into the cell. This entry is guarded by the hormone or the chemical called insulin. So, the insulin that is produced in our body will allow the entry of glucose into the cells, and the glucose will be burnt chemically producing energy. This concept is extremely essential to understand the whole issues of diabetes and its reversal/cure. What it means is that the real problem lies in the blocked entry of glucose into the cell. Hence, as a backlog, the sugar level is increasing. This will happen, irrespective of the fact that you are not taking in sugary food.
Fact 3 – People are catching Diabetes at a much younger age
It has become a common finding to see someone catch diabetes in their thirties, unlike in the past when it was usually a privilege of older people.
Fact 4 – Diabetics of today are advancing to complications much faster
In the past, most diabetics even after catching diabetes would stay on tablets and without complications for many many years, usually decades. Compared to the people of this previous generation, those who are catching diabetes nowadays, are advancing to the stage of complications usually within a few years.
Fact 5 – The threshold for action is at…
Most people start taking some useful action when they have full-blown diabetes or some even wait till complications. But research has shown that once you cross the magic number of 100 mg% of blood glucose level ( and recent research shows, that once we cross blood glucose level of 85 mg %) we are at risk of diabetes in the near future. So Diabetes, like blood pressure is a silent killer and we need to check these two things on regular basis, at least every 6 months.
Window of opportunity
Despite the fact that all these things sound very gloomy, there is a ray of hope. Different words like pre-diabetes, early diabetes are used to describe these early years. These first ten years or so may be described as the ‘honeymoon period’ because everything seems good otherwise and many times not much action is taken during this time. But this is the golden opportunity, where something can be done to make this same insulin more effective, and this way conserve the stores of insulin and delay the onset of diabetes for many years to come. The earlier (at a lower sugar level) one starts the process of a reversal, the longer he can delay the possible onset of full-blown diabetes and its complications in the future.
If the right steps are taken, the so-called diabetic of today can stay fitter than his non-diabetic counterparts
Cure versus Reversal
As of today, we don’t know how many years we can delay the onset of full-blown diabetes. Hence, using the term cure is not scientific. The reversal will be a more appropriate term.
How is Diabetes Reversal possible? What is the scientific basis for Diabetes Reversal?
Research has shown that by making certain changes in the way our body works at the cell level, the same insulin that was not working properly in diabetes, can be made to work efficiently again. For those who like it in number form, a normal non-diabetic person needs 30 to 40 units of insulin per day; this is produced by our pancreas in the body. But, when the process of diabetes starts, the body may have to produce insulin exceeding 100 or even 200 units of insulin per day. By making certain changes in the lifestyle, the body learns to use insulin more efficiently. These changes roughly involve the three realms of diet, activity, and mindset. Once the insulin starts working effectively the glucose that was lying in the blood idle starts going into the cell and blood sugar levels come down. Also, since the body doesn’t need as much insulin anymore, the same insulin stores probably last much longer.
One word of caution here. Every individual is unique when it comes to body and mind. So, the change that we need to bring about is unique for that person. It needs to be tailored specifically to that individual. To give a simple example, many diabetics are not overweight. So, change in diet and activity with an aim to lose weight will not help the person and may actually harm him. So, each person needs to be considered uniquely.
Process of reversal does not need any medicines or any magic potions or surgery. Simple evidence-based scientifically proven changes are necessary.
How does the reversal of diabetes help?
It is not uncommon nowadays to see someone in their mid-thirties catching diabetes. For many, the career has just started progressing, the family is young and the person needs many years of healthy life that is free of complications, to progress further in different areas of life. This is exactly what the reversal can provide.
What’s the catch? Is it difficult?
First thing is that this is reversal we are talking about and not cure. So, most people probably will catch diabetes after many years, though it is likely to be milder and easier to control.
Secondly, this process needs to be started in the early stage when there is an ample amount of insulin in the body. Unfortunately, these first golden years are wasted in lethargy and people start doing something when all the insulin is depleted and they are at the doorstep of complications.
Last but not the least, a lot of effort needs to be taken by the diabetic herself/ himself unlike the traditional model of medical treatment where a doctor prescribes and patient just as to take medicines. The team working on the reversal of diabetes can provide knowledge, advice, and skills regarding diet, exercise, thought process, behavior relevant to the personality, likes, and lifestyle of the patient. But the onus is still on the patient to follow it. So, an ideal candidate is a person with mature and rational thinking, disciplined habits, and high motivation. She/he should be ready to change and take responsibility for his own health. This is quite different from the traditional model of medical practice where a doctor prescribes and a patient just takes medicines with blind faith.
What next?
If you have recently been diagnosed with diabetes, or your blood sugars have started crossing those magic numbers mentioned above or you have started accumulating that extra fat (which is a known precursor of diabetes in many), then don’t be complacent. This is the time to act! This is the golden opportunity!
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If you want to get more information on the process of diabetes reversal, please contact us- 7506420648