- Hi, I am a 36 year old English Teacher. I went to DOLCLINIC as my dad was diabetic and I found to my horror that I was also diabetic. Then, my weight was 75 kg.
- My sugar was 186 (fasting) and 240 (after meal) I was scared.
It was a shock I wasn’t prepared for. I visited DOLCLINIC in sep. 2019. - Dr. Shrirang Dabhade and staff there said that we can try for weight loss and this may help diabetes, but can’t promise more. With some hope I started the program.
- It was easier than I thought. I learnt new ways to cook. How to manage calories.
- I learnt new recipes without having giving up eating my favorite foods. The best part was that I could eat all my favorite non vegetarian food taking help if new ways and techniques that the dietitian taught me.
- Learning new cooking methods was fun.
- Even my daughter enjoyed it. Now, after the program, my wt. is 68 kg. I lost 7 kg. My sugars are 90-100 (fasting) and 110 (post meal) (non-diabetic range) without any medicines.
- Most important things are that my dresses fit, size has gone down. Socially I feel very acceptable and young and not at all look like mother of two kids.
- I feel lively; enjoy all my favorite food without any strict dieting. No more anxiety and stress…..