It is also known as early diabetes or borderline Diabetes. At this stage, complications haven’t yet started and there is still good amount of insulin in the body. This is the best time to reverse diabetes and avoid complications if proper attention is given to diet, activity, habits and lifestyle.
What is Prediabetes?
Prediabetes is a misleading term giving an impression that diabetes is far away. Actually it is the beginning of diabetes (type-2) and the best time to take action. This is also known as “honeymoon period”, lasts for 5-10 years till full-fledged diabetes sets in. Prediabetes term is applied euphemistically to the early stage of diabetes when the insulin is becoming ineffective in controlling blood sugar. In medical terms it is said that the person has developed insulin resistance. Surprisingly, most of the times, the person with ‘prediabetes’ doesn’t feel anything different, and he continues his life like before, thinking that the real problem is far away. In real life, this term is used very loosely (sadly and wrongly), at any time from diagnosing high sugars till a person goes on insulin or develops complication.
But nothing could be further from the truth!
Prediabetes is the best time to reverse your diabetes. Unfortunately, by using terms like pre-, borderline, early or mild, and dodging the main issue, we are doing more harm than good. We are losing a great opportunity to revert the disease to normalcy. Like any other disease (say cancer), this early stage is the best time to reverse the process and get rid of diabetes and its complications for many, many years to come. One can get rid of many and sometimes all the tablets.
Who is at high risk of developing diabetes?
Following categories carry high risk of developing diabetes. Nowadays almost everyone has one or the other risk factor.
- Family history- Having first relative (mother/father) with diabetes.
- Weight- BMI above 23 (As per WHO guidelines for South Asians).
- Prediabetes- Fasting blood glucose crossing 85mg%.
- Pregnancy related diabetes (Gestational diabetes) – High blood glucoses during pregnancy put one at a risk of diabetes even though the glucose levels may return to normal.
- PCOD/PCOS (Polycystic ovary)
- Ethnicity- Being of Indian origin we all carry a higher risk of diabetes.
What is happening to my sugar and insulin during prediabetes phase?
Surprise! Surprise!! Surprise!!! People usually think, since the sugar levels are going high, the insulin is going low. But the truth is quite opposite. It is a known scientific fact that in the first 5-10 years, body is producing more than normal amount of insulin (insulin resistance). A normal person needs approximately 30-40 units of insulin per day. But a person in the early diabetic stage may produce even more than 100 units per day. It is easier to reverse Diabetes at this stage.
Why does it happen?
The insulin that was working for so many years starts becoming ineffective. It means that, despite there being a good amount of insulin, the body is not responding to the insulin. This is also known as ‘insulin resistance’. Factors like obesity, physical activity, fat levels in blood, different hormones, antibodies, down regulation of receptors play role in developing ‘insulin resistance’. So, despite having enough insulin, the body doesn’t respond to it. Studies have shown that this process may start as early as 13 years before full blown diabetes.
What does this mean to me?
By changing certain factors in the body functioning, the insulin can be made to work again effectively, in most people. This means a person can go off all his medicines, eat normal food, and still maintain normal sugar levels for many years. Even the complications are pushed away, because, if one is not diabetic, why would he get complications. But please note that this can be done only in those early golden years.
What can I do to know more about reversing diabetes in me?
Step 1 – Check blood glucose levels
Blood glucose levels in pre-diabetes – As per ADA (American Diabetes Association)-
- Fasting (empty stomach) sugar is above 100mg%.
- After food (postprandial) sugar is above 140mg%.
- HBA1C is above 5.7%.
NOTE – Many studies have shown that once the fasting blood sugar crosses 85 mg % you are progressing towards diabetes.
During pregnancy, these levels are crossed (‘pregnancy related’ or ‘gestational diabetes’), returning back to normal after delivery. Even then these women are at high risk for getting diabetes.
Step 2 – Check insulin levels
S. insulin level
Note – If the report shows your insulin to be within normal levels, this will make you think that, it is not the lack of insulin, but its inefficacy that is causing high glucose levels. Then, you can start the journey of reversing diabetes.
Step 3 – ‘REVERSE DIABETES’ By taking right steps you can make long term changes in the way your body functions. This will make your insulin functions, body healthier, pushing away the diabetes and its complications far away!
Please note that the opportunity to reverse diabetes is available only in the first few years. This should be done under the supervision of a qualified professional.
Read Following for more-
How to stabilize glucose/sugar level naturally (The truth about diabetes reversal)
Body fat analysis & diabetes and PCOD