- When I went to the DOL clinic the first and the most important thing that stuck to me was the kind of attention Dr. Shrirang Dhabade gave to me and my family members. He took lot of attention in understanding my problem and also he involved my wife in the process so that the whole family adjust to my problem and also my daughter was also involved in the whole exercise so it was not only me alone but everybody was contributing
- At the beginning of program my HbA1c was 7.3% , it dropped to 4.9% by the end of program. which was a remarkable decrease, this happened because of the changes we did in the diet
- Also Dr. Shrirang Dhabade helped me in overcoming my stress levels by helping me find easy solutions for all those things which I thought were giving me a lot of stress.
- After the program my weight dropped from 98kgs to 86kgs and everybody in my office started asking me the reason for my weight loss, my self-confidence grew as I was losing weight, I gained control over my body and overall it was good that I could lose weight and it was making me happy.
- I have slowly adopted whatever the changes were recommended to me during the program as a way of life and therefore I am able to maintain my sugar below the levels and also my HbA1c.
- It has become a habit now I don’t have to consciously do things, day in day out I follow the same procedure that I have been following during the period of treatment.
- I can eat whatever I like, I have no restrictions as I understand what I am eating and I don’t have to live life very differently.
- I still continue my way of food habits and I am able to maintain my weight and my sugars.
- There are counseling sessions with family; there is a lot of learning in the sessions. So I would only recommend people not to fear diabetes as I am an example and several others are, so please go and be confident that you can reverse diabetes.