We don’t prescribe you anything of this sort, but you should stay in touch with your regular physician and diabetologist and they prescribe you some medicines if required in the early stage.

If there is fat in excess, losing some of it can help, but those who don’t have excess fat, need not lose weight.

No. It is not necessary. Some kind of activity definitely helps, but individuals vary and hence the nature of the activity appropriate to you will be advised during the program.

Precisely, it is these kinds of people whom we have kept in mind when designing this program. The program can be adapted to any kind of person, lifestyle and eating habits.

You don’t have to stop eating any of these things unless the alcohol is already causing a problem or damaging the liver.

Not at all. The program is designed, keeping working and busy people in mind. If at all, the food we suggest may take less time to prepare.

That is absolutely alright. The problem is extremely flexible and can be adapted to any situation.

On the contrary, so far all our clients have felt better, fitter and more energetic by the end of the program. The simple reason behind this is that your body is getting trained to utilise the sugar more effectively.

So long as you have diabetes, even though controlled with medications you are at risk of complications. Controlling sugar levels either naturally or with lesser medicines will help to keep away the complications further.

This is actually the best time to do something about it, bring down sugar level and push away diabetes for many years by natural method. It can help to stay fit and healthy for many years to come. But once this stage has passed then, there is no option but to take medicines or insulin and suffer the risk of complications.

Based on the information available today, after many years, diabetes may come back. But, it is likely to be in a milder form.

Though every diabetic can find something useful in our program, the people who will be benefited most are those who are in their thirties or forties, in the prime of life, in the early stage of diabetes and haven’t got any complications yet.

You need to visit our main clinic in Thane. We do body fat analysis/BCA. One of our team members will be happy to see you and explain the program for you may need to be assessed and do some tests to make sure that the program is appropriate for you. Once this is done, you can enroll in the program.